29 03, 2021

April Poetry Celebration – an invitation for you!

By |2021-03-29T14:53:12+00:00March 29th, 2021|Artistry, Creativity, Poetry, The Bardic Life|2 Comments

It's nearly April and you know what that means: POETRY. Yes! Here's a video invitation to join in this year's April Poetry Celebration co-hosted, as last year, with the wonderful journal-makers, Jumping Fox Design. Get your pens and journals ready. Fire up your laptop. Put on your poet's clothes. Let's be POETS this April! PS [...]

18 03, 2021

Concert of Songs, Poems, and Stories

By |2021-03-18T18:20:37+00:00March 18th, 2021|Artistry, Creativity, Music, Poetry, Spirit, The Bardic Life|Comments Off on Concert of Songs, Poems, and Stories

This concert was broadcasted on 5 March 2021 by the Menino Arts Center as the first in its spring concert series; it was paired with a set by the amazing Lauren Passarelli. The theme of my set was inspiration, including connecting with the inner artist, following the wending path of creative curiosity, and the beautiful [...]

31 01, 2021

Brigit Told Me – a poem celebrating Brigit’s Day

By |2021-01-31T15:45:46+00:00January 31st, 2021|Poetry, Spirit, The Bardic Life|Comments Off on Brigit Told Me – a poem celebrating Brigit’s Day

Happy St. Brigit's Day! In the traditional Irish calendar, St. Brigit's Day on the first of February ushers in the Spring season. Here in New England, we are looking at 6-12 inches of snow barreling towards us and sub-zero temps at night. YET - the light IS changing, isn't it? We have moved into that [...]

11 10, 2020

Irish Proverbs: Wisdom for Living #3

By |2020-10-29T18:58:56+00:00October 11th, 2020|Artistry, Creativity, Love, Poetry, Spirit, The Bardic Life|Comments Off on Irish Proverbs: Wisdom for Living #3

Mair, a chapaill, agus gheobhaidh tú féar. Today's proverb encourages us to keep going, persevere, and generally hang in there. Life is kind to the consistent, to the ones who keep showing up. It may be be obvious at first, but over time, that faithfulness is rewarded. The video also stars the BIGGEST OAK [...]

29 04, 2020

Poetry Celebration with Jumping Fox Design and Kate Chadbourne: week 5

By |2020-05-20T21:50:04+00:00April 29th, 2020|Artistry, Creativity, Poetry, The Bardic Life|Comments Off on Poetry Celebration with Jumping Fox Design and Kate Chadbourne: week 5

Welcome back for the final week of our Poetry Celebration! In today's video, you'll hear some delightful poems from our community of poets (including a visit from our first young poet, Declan); you'll hear poems from Ted Kooser, former US Poet Laureate, winner of the Pulitzer Prize, and a true son of the Midwest; [...]

22 04, 2020

Poetry Celebration with Jumping Fox Design and Kate Chadbourne: week 4

By |2020-05-20T21:45:21+00:00April 22nd, 2020|Artistry, Creativity, Poetry, The Bardic Life|Comments Off on Poetry Celebration with Jumping Fox Design and Kate Chadbourne: week 4

In today's video, you'll hear some question poems from our wonderful community of poets; you'll hear poems from Tracy K Smith, former US Poet Laureate and winner of the Pulitzer Prize; you’ll hear a little bit about Grace and Zsuzsanna, who founded and run Jumping Fox Design; I offer you a Spark and a Dare [...]

15 04, 2020

Poetry Celebration with Jumping Fox Design and Kate Chadbourne: week 3

By |2020-04-15T17:24:19+00:00April 15th, 2020|Artistry, Creativity, Poetry, The Bardic Life|Comments Off on Poetry Celebration with Jumping Fox Design and Kate Chadbourne: week 3

Welcome back for the third week of our Poetry Celebration! In today's video, you'll hear some poems from our wonderful community of poets; you'll hear poems from Wes McNair, former Maine Poet Laureate and a teacher who has inspired me a great deal; you’ll be invited to send your questions to Grace and Zsuzsanna, the [...]

8 04, 2020

Poetry Celebration with Jumping Fox Design and Kate Chadbourne: week 2

By |2020-04-15T14:36:48+00:00April 8th, 2020|Artistry, Creativity, Poetry, The Bardic Life|Comments Off on Poetry Celebration with Jumping Fox Design and Kate Chadbourne: week 2

Welcome back for the second week of our Poetry Celebration! In today's video, you'll hear some poems from the wonderful treasure trove I received from all of you this week; you'll "meet" prolific English poet and former Poet Laureate, Carol Ann Duffy; you'll get another peek into my Jumping Fox Design journal (and a look [...]

1 04, 2020

Poetry Celebration with Jumping Fox Design and Kate Chadbourne: week 1

By |2020-04-01T18:33:57+00:00April 1st, 2020|Artistry, Creativity, Poetry, The Bardic Life|Comments Off on Poetry Celebration with Jumping Fox Design and Kate Chadbourne: week 1

Welcome to our first week of the Poetry Celebration! I’m teaming up with the wonderful journal-makers at Jumping Fox Design to celebrate poetry, writing, and community this April as part of National Poetry Month. In today's video, you'll hear a "composite" poem by a delightful young poet; you'll "meet" our brilliant and super-cool US Poet [...]


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