Welcome to our first week of the Poetry Celebration! I’m teaming up with the wonderful journal-makers at Jumping Fox Design to celebrate poetry, writing, and community this April as part of National Poetry Month.
In today’s video, you’ll hear a “composite” poem by a delightful young poet; you’ll “meet” our brilliant and super-cool US Poet Laureate, Joy Harjo; you’ll get a peek into my Jumping Fox Design journal and how I’m using it for this poetry project; and I share with you my first poem of the month – hot off the press!
1. If you’d like to participate in this Poetry Celebration, all you have to do is send along one or more poems to me by Sunday at 5 pm (5 April) – AND doing so means you get a chance to win one of two gorgeous journals! (I’ll be drawing winners out of a hat at the end of the month). Write to me at kate@katechadbourne.com. In next week’s video, I’ll share a few poems from our community. Might be YOU!
2. You’ll hear all about our Poetry Spark this week which is inspired by young Declan’s poem. The words he chose for his composite poem are: HOOT, BIG, ME, RAIN, CLOCK, NUMBERS, and WORK. Feel free to choose your own 6-8 words or use Declan’s. What an awesome young poet and creator he is!
3. I also offer a DARE in the video. Let me know in the comments if and how you take me up on it.
4. I’d be so grateful if you’d give this video a thumbs up on YouTube and share it with your poetry-loving friends. Please feel very welcome to leave a comment about how you’re celebrating National Poetry Month here on the blog, in the YouTube comments, or over on FB. And share a poem, too, if you’re moved to do so!. We’re a community of kind poets and would love to enjoy your poetry (and just to say: I’ll prune away any thickets of meanness should they spring up among the flowers, so have no fear).
5. I’ll see you back here next Wednesday for our second week of the Poetry Celebration!