It may seem to the untrained eye that I run the Bardic Academy and teach all of the wonderful students who come through these doors – but we know differently, don’t we?

We all know the Power Behind the Throne is…


Mish, that dashing Maine coon cat about town, loves the musicians, singers, and writers who visit us every day.

He has an unerring instinct for providing love and reassurance at just the right time. He has also been known to sit under the piano and glare up at a player on occasion (admittedly, this can feel like an editorial judgment).  Sometimes he lies in the sun with his face under the rubber plant and snores audibly during the lesson; students tell me that the sound is restful.

At the end of lessons with my youngest students, I invite them to sit under the piano, sometimes munching a piece of chocolate, and to enjoy the vibrations from the piano while I play. Mish cannot seem to resist joining them at these times and so when I look under, it’s two faces looking back at me. My favorite!

If we’re open, everything teaches us.

Everything helps us.

There is no ebb on the tide of blessings.

Mish is surely that in my life and in the lives of my students: a wonderful, funny, quirky, snoring, purring TEACHER.