It’s so much fun to set things up for yourself in the way that feels the best.

Not in the way others advise, even if their advice is well-intentioned.

Not in the way that “it’s always been done.”

Not in the “smart way to do it.”

Instead: in the way that feels like pleasure/relief/homecoming/yes, please: I’ll have THAT, thank you very much.

That can take some jimmying but it’s worth a bit of fuss because once you find your groove, you’re free to fly.

Last May I decided that I wanted to establish a daily writing practice for myself. I wanted to go deep into one subject. And I wanted to work off-line. More than that, I wanted the practice to be a pleasure. So here’s what I decided:

For one year, I would write about MAGIC – yes, magic – every single day. I would use the beautiful Italian fountain pen and I would use the beautiful French ink and I would write in the beautiful XL Moleskine journals.

I would set the bar low – one page per day with the understanding that I can write as much as I like beyond that (and always do because it’s just so interesting).

And that’s what I’ve done. As of today, I have written for 265 days about Magic. Here’s what I love about this project:

1. I’m walking my talk: I’m a writer. Every day. Practice, baby, practice.
2. The fuss of filling the pen when it runs dry, buying the next journal when one is filled up? SO MUCH FUN.
3. My life has become – yes, you guessed it: even more magical. What we think about = our life.

(Yes, read that again. What we think about = our life).

What kind of project could you set up for yourself that would give you a delicious return on investment? That would let you play with your toys and use your tools? That would focus your attention on what you love and what you want your life to be about?

Today is day 266 for me. I’ll finish up on 31 May which also happens to be my father’s birthday; I love that, too. After that, I’ll turn it into a book which I hope will bring as much encouragement and excitement to readers as it has to me in writing it.

At its most fundamental, magic creates new realities. We get to participate in that world-shaping process not just by deciding WHAT we’ll do with our time but HOW we want it to feel. And then honoring that, with enjoyment, with faith, with beautiful commitment.

The year passes whether we do that or not. So given the delicious results, why not choose to make MAGIC?