• HOORAY! Here is my brand new ebook of "Novemberish" stories, poems, and seasonal delights, including Irish folklore, a taste of etymology, a recipe for a truly wonderful cake, a good riddle, and a cast of characters that includes giants, hags, ghosts, foxes, owls, magical musicians, mermaids, a mysterious baker, and many more. The accompanying audiobook, which includes everything in the ebook, opens the door for you to three hours of warm, intimate, company-keeping with me.  It sounds like a dream because it was professionally recorded, mixed, and mastered by the amazing Lauren Passarelli. If you've ever wanted my voice in your ear, well, here it is - and you know that I LOVE to do all the voices and savor every inflection. Your purchase receipt includes three download links - the ebook itself, and the two parts of the audiobook. Please note that this is a virtual offering (rather than a physical CD or printed book). The contents of this book are in many ways the contents of my heart. I am so grateful to you for your interest in "meeting" it and me in the bleak and beautiful world of November.  
  • Are you a solo performer - musician, poet, storyteller, historical re-enactor, or spoken word artist - who is tired of playing for free or for tips? Would you like to book more shows and to perform for attentive, respectful, appreciative audiences? Would you like to stop playing for "exposure" and start earning good money for your investment of effort, care, and skill? If so, How to Get Gigs You Love will help transform your gigging life.
  • A concise e-book guaranteed to light your spark and get you practicing! The book debunks old, crusty ideas that keep you from practicing, invites you into the warm circle of practicing artists, and offers practical and sometimes surprising suggestions for spicing up your practice routine. This is not your scary old music teacher’s vision of practice, rest assured. Whether you love to practice, feel burdened by it, or sometimes skip it altogether, there’s inspiration and empowerment for you here. Join the Practice Revolution!


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