Today I walked deep into the woods to a swampy clearing where lilies grow and beavers build dams.  It’s muddy and ringed with poison ivy, and it’s one of my favorite places on Earth.  You could hardly stand in a more breath-taking spot when the wind blows.

A hawk mewed in the pine tops, a note of anxiety in her voice.  At last, she leapt off the branch and immediately fell fifteen feet, her wings pumping steadily to regain the height.  She flew laboriously in a confined circle, straining.  Even from where I stood, I could feel the effort of it, and also its aim:  to meet with an updraft that would lift and carry her.

It raised my heart to see it happen.  At first, just a little more lift and a little less wing-work.  Then, a gradual ascent as the circle widened to encompass the whole clearing.  Finally, she glided upwards with perfect ease on the invisible currents she’d been seeking when she left the branch.  The circumference of her flight opened and she gained admittance to the wide sky.

I watched until she disappeared from sight.  All day her flight has stayed with me – a powerful bit of teaching about dreams and keeping going.

She reminds us that if you want to fly, you must leave the branch.  And if you are currently flapping like mad to meet with something that will lift you and your dream above the tree-line, keep the faith.

The updraft is there – invisible, yes, but palpable all the same.  Your instinct knows this and will guide you to meet it.

There is support.  There are unforeseen miracles that await you if you are willing to try and to keep trying.

Open your wings and work as long as you must, until you meet the updraft that lifts you into ease and grace and a dazzling sky.

It’s going to be beautiful to witness.  Please keep going.


Photo by Quentin Dr on Unsplash