Questions are an indispensable guide in my life. Here are some of my favorites:

1. Where or in what moments do I feel most alive?

Noticing this is an act of great self-loyalty. It’s helpful to track your interests, eagerness, and spark and notice what’s changing and what new things are hoving into view. Sometimes we change without realizing it and we need new “food” to keep us nourished – new ideas, activities, people, colors, ways of being.

2. What do I already know or have that will help with this?

Internet culture trains us to look outward, to an “expert” or to a paid resource. Sometimes that does help, but lots of times if I slow down and ask, I find that I already have what I need.

3. What’s the best that could result from this situation/project/interaction?

This is a good one to ask especially when things are uncertain. It helps steer the ship towards what we actively, consciously decide would be the best outcome. I believe that things can always be better, warmer, more uplifting, more loving, more fully alive; this question brings that possibility to my awareness.

4. Is this a whole-hearted YES?

A good one for everything from buying a new pocketbook to taking on a new project. A whole lot of junky thoughts lead us to taken on stuff that doesn’t feel whole-heartedly aligned with us. We think, “Well, I need something and this will do…” or “For the money, this is probably the best option,” or “I may not get a better offer.” Instead, armed with the deep knowing that this is or is not a whole-hearted YES, we could think something new: “I’m going to let this one go by because I know I’ll find the right thing for me.” Or even, “Holy moly! I’m dancing with JOY! This is perfect for me!!!”

5. What could I celebrate right now?

Noticing virtue tends to amplify virtue. Same with strength, success, goodness, love, fun, and JOY. It’s all too easy to see the flaws, the problems, the hiccups – but what a gift to take a minute every day and notice what’s going right, what is a gift from heaven, what we can be proud of. The strength and clarity that comes from noticing this is powerfully creative, as in: we create more goodness immediately afterwards. So worth it!

6. How could I make this more fun/better?

There is always a way. Asking the question is the important part because it signals: I’m ready to enjoy this more. I made a little video about this a few years ago. Click HERE to see it and to get some ideas of how I like to make things better for myself.

PS – I chose the featured image for this post of me frolicking in a leaf-mask because it was, one time, a good answer to the question: How can I make this more fun? And I’m glad to report: I did.