You’ve gotta play to win!

This is just as true of music and poetry and art and love as it is of the lottery. And the good news is that we’re a lot more likely to actually WIN in those games because the odds are always in our favor.

Ask, try, submit, propose, invite, query, throw your hat in the ring: do it enough times and I guarantee something will happen.

The secret sauce here, though, is the word PLAY. It’s taking it lightly and venturing out in the spirit of “let’s see what happens.” It’s giving yourself points for jumping into the game (rather than delaying the gold stars until you win or get picked). It’s walking in with a bit of a laugh. There’s a spirit of FUN about the whole endeavor.

In that sense, we could instead put it this way:

When you PLAY, you WIN!

Not eventually: immediately. To play is to win, to be ALL IN is to win, to give it a whirl is to win.

Prizes, honors, recognition, and the big bucks are a happy byproduct. Being a player on the stage of this life is the best prize – and it’s bestowed by YOU, the player rather than an outside committee. Go get it!

(Here’s my harp getting ready to play at the Boston Public Library this spring; she’s always game to play, that one )