21 06, 2015

Fathers Everywhere

By |2016-11-21T07:31:40+00:00June 21st, 2015|Love, Spirit|8 Comments

I'm interested right now in the topic of parenthood, fostering, mothers, fathers, children, and family.  This post and the next one coming soon stem from that interest. My father died ten years ago on the Summer Solstice. For months before that, we'd looked out the hospital windows to track the lengthening light.  "Ah, it's getting [...]

3 06, 2015

Fox and Fairy Home – or ramshackle house with unmown lawn?

By |2016-11-21T07:31:40+00:00June 3rd, 2015|Creativity, Spirit, The Bardic Life|12 Comments

Everyone and everything is mockable.  Did you know that?  Every single person, animal, place, item, idea:  all mockable.  That means that everyone and everything can be sneered at, derided,  ridiculed, and criticized in ways large and small. At the same time, everyone and everything is laudable.  Everyone and everything can be praised, exulted, magnified, enjoyed, [...]


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